Splitting and Joining MP3 files from the command line

A couple of great utilities to split and join MP3 files from the command-line in Linux that are quite handy when you want to split a recording into tracks.

mp3splt – a great stand-alone utility that can split an MP3 file into multiple tracks. Some of the things you can do:

  • Trim an MP3 file to eliminate silence at the start and end: mp3splt -r file.mp3
  • Split an MP3 file into tracks through silence detection and named by track number: mp3splt -f file.mp3 -s -o @n
  • Split an MP3 file by time: mp3splt file.mp3 0.0 3.12 (splits the file into one track from 0 to 3 minutes 12 seconds)

sox – a great utility for combining MP3 files together. To use this, just list all the MP3 files you want to combine and list where you want the combined output as the last file:

  • sox file1.mp3 file2.mp3 output_file.mp3

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