Using ffmpeg to convert WMA to MP3

As part of the reorganization of my home server, I am consolidating all my music files into the home server. I quickly realized that in a misguided fit of irrationality, I had gone through a phase in the past where most of my library was in the WMA format. The problem with WMA format is…

Samba 4.1.4 memory corruption bug

I was looking at my logs and noticed that smbd had crashed a few times since install. Searched the samba bug database and found this bug which was reporting the same issue. I have applied the patch supplied and updated the package – here’s how I patched and updated: In your samba source folder, run…

Installing latest Samba on Ubuntu 12.04

I am in the process of rebuilding my home server which will run Ubuntu Server – I will be putting up a series of detailed posts on my philosophy and experiences through this process. In the meantime, here’s the scoop on setting up the latest version of Samba on Ubuntu 12.04. This post provides a…

Breaking up with WHS 2011

I have been using a Windows Home Server 2011 machine as my central backup and quasi-NAS solution for the past three years. About 6 months ago, I had a rather terrible experience with Windows Home Server – I have 3 other computers at home that regularly backup to the WHS every night. On my main…

Backup your data using Robocopy

I use Windows Home Server to backup all my home Windows PCs to a central location. However, lately, I have decided that I would also like to have a copy of what I deem to be critical data available offsite (in this case, outside our home) as well. I investigated cloud backup solutions – Backblaze…

DD-WRT on Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH – USB automount issues on build 22118

In older posts hereĀ and here I described my experiences with setting up the official Buffalo DD-WRT build on the Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH router. It’s been a while and I’ve been wanting to update the DD-WRT version to the latest available build for this router – 22118. Why? Because being a geek, I just can’t stop tinkering…