WordPress Hacking – Hiding Images in a Post

This is the last in the series where we try to get WordPress to show single-post images in the sidebar and hide them from the post content itself. In the previous two posts we saw how to write a simple WordPress plugin and sidebar widget and how to extract and display images attached to a…

WordPress Hacking – Finding all images in a post

This is a continuation of the series where I attempt to build a solution to display WordPress posts with attached images such that the post content itself doesn’t show any of the images and the sidebar instead displays the images. In my previous post I described creating a simple WordPress plugin with an empty widget….

WordPress Hacking – jQuery Colorbox

We have a personal blog that I host using wordpress on my domain (just like this one). Posts on the personal blog are made by someone who’s not into technology and isn’t interested in details – they’d much rather prefer something that’s user friendly and just works. The posts are usually made using Windows Live…